How did you get into cooking? Well to be quite honest I was young, younger than the legal age to work, but times were tough and i needed to have an income. So i got a job at a place in Middlebury Vermont called Angelas Restaurant . I started there as a dishwasher, moved on to gard manger, and prep within 6 months of my first day. The restaurant industry has come rather natural to me, it just seems to make sense to me.
Where was your first professional kitchen experience? Professional kitchen i would have to say was a place they used call Tully and Maries also in Middlebury Vermont . This place served food styles from every corner of the world. I had the pleasure of working with one of the ex-menu planners for N.E.C.I. and was able to really learn a lot from him.
What is your favorite dish to prepare? My most favorite item to prepare has got to be Ceviche! or even short ribs would be right up there.
What is the best part of your job? The best part of my job is getting to use my "creative juices" on a regular basis and constantly expand my knowledge of restaurant management.
Who is your favorite chef in
What do you usually make for yourself at home? At home I alternate between Hispanic food, classic rustic American, and rough french foods. One day i could be making Cousa Rallena, the next day chicken with mushroom cream sauce and fettuccini, the next day it could be steak and potatoes. I don’t have a most commonly cooked dish at my home. The one thing I do make on a regular basis is fresh bread. (its a silent passion)
If you could dine with any three people, who would they be? Anthony Bourdain, Gastón Acurio Jaramillo, and the president, whoever it may be at the time. Who doesn’t want to dine with the president!
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